Holy Fuckin Crap, Rubin decided he wanted some of the Commish’s shine & decided to be the 2nd CHAMP CHAMP CHAMP!!! Let by Joey Biscuits & a healthy core of Jaylen Waddle, Davante Adams & Nick Chubb, rubin cruised to victory over that slob Hennings. Look at this picture, it is what peak male performance looks like. Don’t be shy ladies, give him a try.

Well well well. if it isn’t ol’ commish himself back again for the Third time, Third time, Third time!!! Lets go boys! glad I was able to take the belt right out from under Ferullo’s nose & crush Hennings’ dreams of being a champion. ill treat her well. don’t worry.

a glorious journey to stardom after proving everyone including NFL network’s Mike Garofolo wrong & seizing what was his. Led by a 2000yard rushing season from stalwart RB Derrick Henry, this team couldn’t be stopped. Also, this is just a placeholder image until cool guy gets me a belt pic.

Taking our Marv & eliminating his chances at redemption after his 12th place finish a few seasons ago must have been sweet. But probably not as sweet as the cold hard cash he won for all his hard work. Wait, they agreed to split the money? What kind of communist, Bernie Sanders, Free Money for All, AOC, Woke junk is that???? Split the money??! This league is not about helping your fellow man, it is about sticking out your hand when they have fallen & stiff arming that bitch into the dirt once more. Congrats on your first title Nick, you coward! P.s. His WRs scored less than 23pts combined between the 4 he started & still beat Marv…that’s tough.

Welcome to the club, the ChampChamp club that is. You join elite company, Conor Mcgregor, Amanda Nunes, Floyd Mayweather, The New England Patriots, The Tampa Bay Lightning…& then behind all them is Rubin & myself. Winning your first title is hard, but that 2nd one is where boys become men. This team was stacked. Pat Mahomes anchored the elite squad along with a rookie Saquon Barkley. Incredible team.

Not to add insult to injury but, en route to his 2nd AGS title, becoming only the 2nd ever repeat champion, X-Factor (aka commish, aka dad, aka papa, aka gary the great) absolutely dick kicked the defending champ (Tyler Sousa) by almost 60pts to stand victorious at the end of the season. We almost had our 1st ever back2back champ. Better luck next time Ty. With the stalwart RB core of Leonard Fournette….Dion Lewis……..Alex fucking colins? You lost to this guy Tyler? woah.

Tyler claims the ultimate victory this season & is the first ever recipient of the Any Given Sunday Fantasy Belt. An honor only shared by a select few savages. One day the rest of you bums will get a chance to hold ol’ girl. But, today is Tyler’s time to shine. Also, defeating the clear cut number 1 team (11-2 Gravina) while your record is 7-6 has to feel about as good as *insert inappropriate sex joke here that I am too anxiety stricken to type*. Congrats Ty, one of the last original teams remaining to claim the ultimate Victory.

This photo was taken after Kerensa found rubin jerkin’ it to instagram models in the bathroom. Well probably not, but more likely it was a screenshot of his championship roster. I mean shit I would too if my team looked that good. But this is the FIRST EVER AGS CHAMPCHAMP! This guy, look at that fucking face, you all lost to him? You’re kidding.

The King has finally claimed his crown. A perennial playoff contender has climbed Mount Sunday & taken out all of you trolls to claim his ultimate victory & swing his big championship sized dick for all to see & be jealous of. Now I personally defeated Mr. Ferullo this particular season so I didn’t have his hammer dropped on me, but the rest of you? slackers. Congrats to the tallest & yet lightest Any Given Sunday fantasy manager. Dude is built like a bendy straw.

Well the Commish has claimed the title. Unfortunately I am ugly & camera shy so this random photo on my computer of when we (Rubin & I) broke into Mike’s “apartment” more like 2nd floor shed, & put used condoms all over his home & we planned to mess the place up but…..he kinda did that for us. We contemplated cleaning up & really freaking him out. Anyway, I won, I’m the best, come at me pussies.

The first ever Any Given Sunday Fantasy League champion. All marvel in his glory. His team nickname was “Pussy eatin Champ” Over under 1.5 pussies this guy had eaten at the time of creating this name for his team? I mean Ruff doesn’t count because that would be like giving every guy living in jackson an auto +1 to their resume. I mean look at that face, a face only a blind dog could love. Anyway, the first ever champ he deserves it!