
Est. 2012

The Original 12 Teams.
– The Fairy Butterflies Managed by Rob Schueler
– King_Gonz Managed by Mike Gonzalez
– The Big Donkey Managed by Dom Legotte
– French Toast Mafia Managed by Stephen Fahnholz
– The Gangbangers Managed by Marvin Howard
– The Warpigs Managed by Unknown
– Mom Managed by Chris …
– Dream Team Managed by Tyler Sousa
– Deja Blue Managed by Anthony Ferullo
– BigBertha Managed by Anthony Legotte
– Stay Grazing Managed by Yeison Mendoza
– Pussy Eating Champ Managed by Ryan Rubin


It was quite the inaugural season. The first overall draft pick in the first ever league draft was none other than Arian “Flat Earth” Foster. Followed by Aaron Rodgers & Calvin Johnson. Wow were Fantasy Leagues different. The Top 3 Teams this season were 3rd place, BigBertha, 2nd place, Stay Grazing & our first EVER Champion, a different kind of champ, the Pussy Eating Champ. None other than our bearded comedian brother, Ryan Rubin was the first ever King of the Ring. Fitting that the man who is always ridiculed for poor roster moves was the first to taste victory & stand atop the fantasy mountain.

Final Standings were as Follows:
12th The Fairy Butterflies 1-12 (Rob Schueler)
11th King_Gonz 3-10 (Mike Gonzalez)
10th The Big Donkey 7-6 (Dom Legotte)
9th French Toast Mafia 6-7 (Stephen Fahnholz)
8th Gangbangers 6-7 (Marvin Howard)
7th The Warpigs 2-11 (Unknown)
6th Mom 8-5 (Chris ..?)
5th DREAM TEAM 7-6 (Tyler Sousa)
4th Deja Blue 10-3 (Anthony Ferullo)
3rd BigBertha 8-5 (Anthony Legotte)
2nd Stay Grazing 10-3 (Yeison Mendoza)
1st Pussy Eating Champ 10-3 (Ryan Rubin)


Some serious league turnover had happened with 6 new members added & 6 original teams calling it quits. Say goodbye to The Warpigs, Mom, The Big Donkey, The Fairy Butterflies, King_Gonz & Stay Grazing.

And Say Hello to:
Rockinknockers 26 Managed by Rob Gravina
Skittles Taste Dwayne Bowe Managed by Dylan Bernhardt
Riley_Cooper_4_President Managed by Eddie Sherry
Wawa Slave Managed by Brian Nowakoski
TopDOG Managed by Mike Horvath
SuggaTits Managed by Nick Schueler

Some of these team names did not age very well to start.. Eddie coming in with the Racial Slur Olypmics Winner in Riley Cooper for President, Tyler proclaiming to Free Hernandez… & Mr Mike Horvath picking the team name of TopDOG yet having won absolutely 0 championships. I guess the first season Nick was being a cool guy & didn’t want to play with the boys. No matter though, he came on strong with a 4th place finish in his first season. This was a season of upsets. As the 7-7 X-Factor (Managed by none other than the commish himself) took out the 10-4 Cruz Control Managed by Anthony Ferullo. A feud that would live on for years. The Stephen & X-factor take their first league title. Worth mentioning also Marvin made an appearance in 3rd place this season as well.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th Wawa Slave 4-10 (Brian Nowakoski)
11th The Commissioner 5-9 (Ryan Rubin)
10th Riley_Cooper_4_President (Eddie Sherry)
9th FREE HERNANDEZ 6-8 (Tyler Sousa)
8th GOON SQUAD 7-7 (Anthony Legotte)
7th Skittles Taste Dwayne Bowe 7-7 (Dylan Bernhardt)
6th TopDOG 7-7 (Mike Whorevath)
5th rockinknockers26 8-6 (Rob Gravina)
4th SuggaTits 9-5 (Nick Schueler)
3rd DreamChasers 9-5 (Marvin Howard)
2nd Cruz Control 10-4 (Anthony Ferullo)
1st The X-Factor 7-7 (Stephen Fahnholz)


A couple new faces enter the league as we usher in a new era of Any Given Sunday Fantasy Football & it begins to take the shape it held for almost 6 seasons. Say Goodbye to Anthony Legotte (good riddance) & Brian Nowakoski. And Say Hello to:
DaddysHomeMFs Managed by Rob Meow Hennings
Titletown Cheeseheads Managed by Chris Pottinger

Good thing we did not have punishments for a few more seasons, because SOMEHOW I, the commish, finished in 12th place. I know, I literally did not think it was possible either. But I guess it shows that I AM human & not some fantasy football guru robot created in a lab to kick my friends asses at the game we love. I mean did I really go from 1st to worst? It must have been all of the championship blowjobs distracting me. Going over the standings I begin to notice a trend or 2. Nick finishes with a 2nd straight 4th place finish, Anthony Ferullo & the Decepticons (sneaky good team name) take their FIRST title & Hennings meow comes in a bottom 3 position. This is Ferullo’s 3rd consecutive top 4 finish. Also, I’d like to note, Rubin’s team name is “Stickers over hot coco” to shit talk Mike’s incredible boyfriend skills. Love to see that. Lets also not forget the infamous JAMAAL CHARLES FOR BRANDON MARSHALL STRAIGHT UP TRADE. LIKE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME HENNINGS.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th The X-Factor 4-9 (Stephen Fahnholz) Random Starter : Johnny Manziel QB
11th WTF 3-10 (Tyler Sousa) Random Starter : Colin Kaepernick QB
10th DaddyshomeMFs 5-8 (Rob Meow Hennings) Random Starter : Knile Davis RB
9th Stickers over hot coco 4-9 (Ryan Rubin) Random Starter: Trent Richardson RB
8th DreamChasers 7-7 (Marvin Howard) Random Starter: Kelvin Benjamin WR
7th Titletown Cheeseheads 10-3 (Chris Potts) Random Starter: Peyton Manning QB
6th Rockinknockers26 7-6 (Rob Gravina) Random Starter: Justin Forsett RB
5th TopDOG 9-4 (Mike Horvath) Random Starter: Odell Beckham WR (Rookie season explosion)
4th Luck her right in the pussy 6-7 (Nick Schueler) Random Starter: Isiah Crowell WR
3rd Skittles Taste Dwayne Bowe 7-6 (Dylan Bernhardt) Random Starter: Matt Forte RB
2nd Pittsburg L-Riders 6-7 (Eddie Sherry) Random Starter: Martellus Bennet TE
1st Decepticons 10-3 (Anthony Ferullo) Random Starter: Doug Martin RB


Here we say goodbye to our dear dear friend, Dylan Bernhardt to ride off into the sunset & forever take pumped bicep pictures in the gym as if it makes women wet through the phone. & introduce one of our last & most prolific members.
Say hello to:
– Beats by Ray Managed by Jeremy Sousa

The Sousa’s not only share Vaginas, they share fantasy leagues! This season they came in 9th place & 10th place, Jeremy just edging out his older brother by 1 spot. Not the finish either of them were hoping for I am certain, I wonder if they share the same condoms, I digress. Again, Marv makes an appearance in the top 3. Nick creeps closer finishing in 2nd this time around. I wonder how Nick must have felt having Rubin’s balls drug across his face again as Rubin claimed his 2nd title & became the leagues FIRST ChampChamp. That’s a lot of firsts for my Ryan Rubin. He probably touched his first titty this year as well. congrats on all of that pal. P.s. who the fuck let me draft Gronk in the 1st round? was I an asshole?

Final Standings were as follows:
12th the peyton manthing 3-10 (Rob Meow Hennings)
11th Rip Bell 6-7 (Rob Gravina)
10th 95 and Shady 6-7 (Tyler Sousa)
9th Beats By Ray 7-6 (Jeremy Sousa)
8th Deflaters Gonna Deflate 3-10 (Eddie Sherry)
7th Defending Champ 6-7 (Anthony Ferullo)
6th JPP’s Firework Emporium 7-6 (Chris Potts)
5th X-Factor 7-6 (Stephen Fahnholz)
4th TopDOG 7-6 (Mike Horvath)
3rd DreamChasers 10-3 (Marvin Howard)
2nd The GOAT 8-5 (Nick Schueler)
1st Wiggas with Atittude 8-5 (Ryan Rubin)


This marks the last year of our league on NFL as a platform, a change I was unsure about but am very happy we made the switch. This season also marks the 1st with no league manager changes. congrats on us all being 1 big happy family for once. And when I said they share, I meant it, they even shared championship week as the Sousa’s Eiffel Towered week 16 as Tyler claimed his first ever AGS league title & Jeremy was left with blue balls as the 2nd place finisher. Also, not sure what Gravina did to nick, but “Gravina still precums” is an all time team name. 2nd straight 12th place finish for Meow hennings, things aren’t all bad, at least he has his health! Also, in the semi-final matchup the 7-6 Tyler Sousa defeated 11-2 Rob Gravina by 15pts, an ALL TIME upset.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th Halfway Cooks 4-9 (Rob Meow Hennings)
11th Wiggas with Attitude 6-7 (Ryan Rubin)
10th TopDOG 3-10 (Mike Horvath)
9th Taylor Gang 3-10 (Anthony Ferullo)
8th Gravina still pre cums 6-7 (Nick Schueler)
7th Mr Rodgers Neighborhood 7-6 (Marvin Howard)
6th Deflaters Gonna Deflate 7-6 (Eddie Sherry)
5th AJ Green Eggs & Ham 8-5 (Stephen Fahnholz)
4th Brady’s Back 7-6 (Chris Potts)
3rd I Hate Sousa And His Team 11-2 (Rob Gravina)
2nd LOL 9-4 (Jeremy Sousa)
1st Coach Of The Year 7-6 (Tyler Sousa)


This was the year of big change. We hosted our FIRST ever annual league meeting. We discussed rule changes that would bring us to a new fantasy platform, onto Yahoo! & enact a 12th place punishment for the last place team of the league. I will be the first one to give Marv ALL the credit in the world for manning up & taking his punishment in stride. much respect & I am happy you were first, to show everyone its not that bad. With that being said, you would make for one UGLY girl! The league had a pair of 11-2 teams, the best records to this point for the history of the league. Tyler was 47pts from being the first ever back2back champ. Too bad so sad, instead what we got was the 2nd Champchamp!! ME, Rubin may be Conor Mcgregor, the first ever Champchamp, but that makes yours truly Amanda Nunes, the greatest female fighter of all time bar none. Now, I am not quite that decorated of a champion in the Any Given Sunday league, but there’s still plenty of time.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th 0 and ….. 2-11 (Marvin Howard)
11th Imperial Ty Fighters 3-10 (Chris Potts)
10th Still Trash 4-9 (Jeremy Sousa)
9th Urchickdiggsmyteam 5-8 (Eddie Sherry)
8th Fantasy Gods Praying Hands 4-9 (Rob Gravina)
7th Mike Evans Trashx3 6-7 (Anthony Ferullo)
6th Hanging w. Hernandez 7-6 (Ryan Rubin)
5th Show me some TD’s 8-5 (Mike Horvath)
4th Shady Situation 8-5 (Rob Hennings)
3rd The HEN 9-4 (Nick Schueler)
2nd Champ 11-2 (Tyler Sousa)
1st X-Factor 11-2 (Stephen Fahnholz)


The year my will was officially tested. I had a duty & responsibility to uphold out strict punishment rules. Do the punishment, or leave the league. This season’s 12th place team, Mike Horvath decided the league & his friends could kiss his ass. So he took his little tic-tac & shriveled up raisins he calls a dick & balls & was banished from the league. As a matter of principal & out of respect for Marv, I had no choice. However, onto better things. Anthony Ferullo congrats motherfucker, you are the 3rd Champchamp! You go girl. If rubin is Mcgregor & Im Nunes, I guess you are Mighty Mouse? You’re probably 3 ft taller than him but it will have to do. You capitalized on stealing Pat mahomes, a rookie sensation in Saquads Barkley & an explosion in Devante Adams. 3 Killers propelling you to a Title. We also instituted 1 Keeper into our rules at our glorious league meeting. Much love to everyone who shows up, i appreciate all of you.

Again, Mike cucked out & decided to quit, so there is no punishment here. Kid fell off the face of the earth, what a weirdo.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th Show me some TD’s 2-11 (Mike Horvath)
11th 2 Girls 1 Kupp 3-10 (Chris Potts)
10th Champ 6-7 (Tyler Sousa)
9th Dirty Landry 5-8 (Eddie Sherry)
8th BEATS BY HUNT 6-7 (Ryan Rubin)
7th The HEN 6-7 (Nick Schueler)
6th HennythingsPossible 9-4 (Rob Meow Hennings)
5th X-Factor 6-7 (Stephen Fahnholz)
4th 100 Million $ Man 6-7 (Marvin Howard)
3rd Sex Pumas 8-5 (Rob Gravina)
2nd Comeback Szn 9-4 (Jeremy Sousa)
1st The Ops 19-4 (Anthony Ferullo)


The OG Birthday candle blowing, ring leading, cool guy himself is wearing the crown finally. Nick has claimed victory over the league & over Marv’s team. This win was the closest margin in any fantasy championship game to date! a margin of 4.99pts, or 1 TD in either direction separated Victory from Defeat. I’d just like to note I placed 3rd & had 189pts (57pts more than Nick) so you’re both FUCKING LUCKY!!!!! Also, we must welcome our newest face to the league. Youdesh! Welcome pal, enjoy the shit show & enjoy taking over Mikes hot garbage roster. Unfortunately you did not fare too much better as you were this seasons 12th place team. You got to enjoy your punishment & went through with it like the manly man you are.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th Rookie 5-8 (Youdesh Murugesan)
11th HennythingsPossible 4-9 (Rob Hennings)
10th YMCA 3-10 (Tyler Sousa)
9th Eat Her T-wat-son 7-6 (Ryan Rubin)
8th Fuck My Team 4-9 (Rob Gravina)
7th 2 Girls 1 Kupp 6-7 (Chris Potts)
6th Super Coopers 8-5 (Eddie Sherry)
5th The Ops 7-6 (Anthony Ferullo)
4th … 4-1 (Jeremy Sousa)
3rd X-Factor 8-5 (Stephen Fahnholz)
2nd The Adams Family 10-3 (Marvin Howard)
1st The Hen 10-3 (Nick Schueler)


In what is likely the closest Season we have EVER had, Jeremy Sousa finally gets his first notch on the belt. with 2 wins separating 1st place & 11th place, this entire season was a grind. An admirable effort by every manages (besides Tyler, Ouch.) I am happy to see that Derrick Henry can no longer be kept as a keeper, but now Ferullo has JT so who knows how that is going to go! Welp, good luck everyone, better luck next season & Jeremy, enjoy your reign at the top, it doesn’t last forever!!

Final Standings were as follows:
12th 43.52 2-11 (Tyler Sousa)
11th Rookie 6-7 (Youdesh Murugesan)
10th X-Factor 6-7 (Stephen Fahnholz)
9th The AGS Fantasy Team 6-7 (Rob Gravina)
8th Beats by DeAndre 6-7 (Chris Potts)
7th HennyGivenSunday 6-7 (Rob Hennings)
6th Eat Her T-watson 8-5 (Ryan Rubin)
5th The Hen 8-5 (Nick Schueler)
4th The Ops 7-6 (Anthony Ferullo)
3rd T-Challa 8-5 (Marv Howard)
2nd “Hill” – Shot 7-6 (Eddie Sherry)
1st … 8-5 (Jeremy Sousa)


For the first time in AGS Fantasy League History, we have a 3 time champ! Steve, the Commish is forever the first 3x champ. A big congrats to all the doubters, the ones who said I couldn’t do it, that my 6th seed team couldn’t hang with the big boys. Well, Justin Jefferson had somethin else to say! Another glorious season for Ferullo as he makes the playoffs once again. a tough tumble from stardom for Jeremy & nick as the 2 previous season champions. Gravina made an appearance in the playoffs & did well for himself this season. Marv, has gone from 2nd to 3rd to 4th in the last 3 seasons, should we be worried? I hope not. Anyway, good luck next season to all the former & soon to be champs. I’ll keep her warm for you. Also, props to Nick for handling his punishment like a man & freezing his nuts off Jello wrestling in January.

Final Standings were as follows:
12th Hennycantgethardman 4-10 (Nick Schueler)
11th Bobby Tree’s Service 6-8 (Eddie Sherry)
10th Rookie6-8 (Youdesh Murugesan)
9th … Champ 3-11 (Jeremy Sousa)
8th Supercam Returns 6-8 (Tyler Sousa)
7th Can You Diggs It 5-9 (Chris Potts)
6th Tyler Getting Kicked Out 9-5 (Ryan Rubin)
5th Sex Panthers 9-5 (Rob Gravina)
4th BOOOOOMIN 9-5 (Marv Howard)
3rd 5th of Henny 10-4 (Rob Hennings)
2nd Juice 9-5 (Anthony Ferullo)
1st X-Factor 8-6 (Stephen Fahnholz)


For the 2nd time in AGS Fantasy League History, we have a 3 time champ! Rubin! He is forever the 2nd 3x champ. He may be the least funny of the group, but he tries & thats all you can ask for these days. Perhaps we treated him too harshly. Always criticizing his teams & draft strategy. Clearly, he knows something we don’t. 3 Wins is too much to call it luck. By now, youd expect Gravina, Eddie, Potts or Hennings would at least have 1 chip, but no, rubin is a fucking hog & wont share. Speaking of Hennings, we had this year’s most contentious moment when Damar Hamlin decided he wanted to ruin everyone’s fantasy championship week. Honestly, how rude of him. Regardless, Hennings would have lost & even if he did win, he probably would have sold the belt for some nose candy anyways. Moving on, our last place finisher unfortunately had to be the man himself, Jeremy Sousa. Something about Jeremy always told me he would never be in this predicament. However, perhaps it is his penance for letting his brother out easy on his punishment a few short seasons ago. Notably, Ferullo & Marv had particularly tough seasons, 2 playoff stalwarts couldn’t keep up with the likes of Potts or Eddie sneaking their way into the playoffs. Also, without forgetting, Youdesh decided to go all Jan 6 on us & work capital police in DC so he quit. Enter, Steve Estelle, the person who said “Hell yeah ill join the league”, without first telling me he doesn’t watch sports, football especially, is a “Chiefs Fan” (EWW) & has never played a fantasy sport in his life. Somehow he finished better than FERULLO, JEREMY & MARV….figure it out dudes.

*Jeremy Sticker Bitch Photo placeholder*

Final Standings were as follows:
12th … 2-12 (Jeremy Sousa) Random Fact: First ever 12th place finish for Jeremy.
11th Juice 5-9 (Anthony Ferullo) Random Fact: Snapped a 5 year playoff streak.
10th $/2 7-7 (Marvin Howard) Random Fact: Scored a combined 4.50 points from his WR Corp in Championship week.
9th iLayPipe 4-10 (Steve Estelle) Random Fact: Best finish for this team since 2016 (goes all the way back to Hor*REDACTED*th’s 4th place finish.
8th *Trash Can Emoji* 8-6 (Nick Schueler) Random Fact: Refused to pivot from Aaron Rodgers to Geno Smith. Smith finished 5th vs Rodgers 15th in QB standings.
7th Sex Panthers 7-7 (Rob Gravina) Random Fact: Has drafted in the top 3 EVERY SINGLE SEASON since 2017. What literally the fuck?
6th Instant Kamara 8-6 (Eddie Sherry) Random Fact: Was brave enough to start Lord Voldemort Deshaun Watson in his first season back from butthole fondling accusations.
5th X-Factor 7-7 (Stephen Fahnholz “The Commish”) Random Fact: Almost sold JJ to Potts for picks. (i was in a dark place)
4th The Book of Samuel 9-5 (Tyler Sousa) Random Fact: Highest fantasy finish since his 2nd place loss in 2017.
3rd Hurts So Good 11-3 (Chris Pottinger) Random Fact: Rostered 7 players from the NFC East in week 17.
2nd 5th of Henny 8-6 (Rob Hennings) Random Fact: By far the best fantasy finish for Hennings. he ALMOST held it together for a full season before imploding.
1st Tyler’s Uber Driver 9-5 (Ryan Rubin) Random Fact: the 2nd ever Champ Champ Champ. Hasnt made a trade in 9 seasons.